Sunday, September 12, 2010

Schizophrenia, Bipolar, and Psychosis- a book that makes it intelligible and offers a humane approach.


  1. Psychiatrist Kurt Audenaert (head of a psychiatric clinic and a professor at the State University of Gent, Belgium) claims to know the cause of schizophrenia. He bases his case on fMRI studies of the brain.

    He wrote (my translation from Dutch):

    In the human brain, there is an intriguing part - the prefrontal lobe, which allows us to filter the many sensory stimuli entering the brain. There are neuropsychiatric disorders in which the prefrontal lobe is unable to respond adequately to sensory stimuli, so that the filter function fails. For example, paranoid schizophrenia is associated with the delusion that you are followed, spied on. The boundary of the ego disappears, there are 'voices' being heard and scenes are being seen. Sensory perceptions acquire meaning and are interpreted.
    I also found this on internet:

    The frontal lobes appear to play a very important role in schizophrenia... So, because many of the problems that patients with schizophrenia have involve the regulation of their behavior, the regulation of their perception of their cognitive apparatus, the ability to organize behavior so that it fits the contextual environmental context – these functions which are thought to be served by the frontal lobe suggest that the frontal lobe is not really working that well in schizophrenia.

    May I ask your opinion on this?

  2. My overall considered judgement is...

    • that the independent evidence for
    somatic causes as the only, or even
    the main non-hereditary factor in
    schizophrenia is not sufficient

    • that the many findings of MRI and
    fMRI changes in schizophrenia does
    not make any difference with
    respect to this issue

    – that any judgement to the effect that schizophrenia is due to
    heredity plus somatic (organic) factors is premature

    – that a confusion with the obvious fact that schizophrenia has a
    biological basis may contribute to such a premature judgement

    – that the search for a psychogenic contribution has to be continued

    – that schizophrenia is probably a partly sociogenic brain disorder
